Horace McCormick.
The Color of Water: Poetry to Provoke Life and Heart.
The poems in The Color of Water offer insights on relationships with people, nature, and art. Written to challenge your consciousness to greater curiosity and empathy and to make sense of certain and unpredictable events that happen in life, these poems will take you on a journey of self-reflection and make you consider who you are. McCormick focuses on the simple things that matter most, like water, and on the significant emotional events that challenge your beliefs and interpretation of the color of everything. He explores the past and present to illustrate the significance of connecting with people who are different and seeing the world as it is, not as we wish it would be. In the reading of this collection, you will learn more about yourself by experiencing the lives of others through glimpses of their love, suffering, sacrifice, and struggles to belong or even to survive.

A book is a dream you hold in your hand.
-Neil Gaiman
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Terry Rayburn
Clarksville, Tennesse"Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla. Etiam felis nisi, aliquet id felis eu, venenatis sagittis libero."

Jonathan Olick
Dallas, Texas"Nunc commodo nulla quis odio facilisis tristique sit amet non lorem. Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla."

“You can have more than you got because you can become more than you are.”
–– Jim Rohn
Poetry that is haunting, beautiful, courageous, and powerful.
Horace McCormick Jr. lives in Harnett County, NC, and does most of his writing between Oak Island, NC, and Mexico City with his wife, Sara. He studied creative writing at East Carolina University and worked at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In addition to The Color of Water, Horace is also the author of The Devil’s Courthouse, a collection of short stories that explores African American, Native American, and Latin American experiences in the southern United States.